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A. J. А. |
American Journal of Archaeology. |
Α. Η. Ν. Ε. |
The Ancient History of the Near East. 4-fh edition. |
Annuario |
Annuario della R. Scuola Archaeologica di Afena. |
Arch. |
Archaeologia. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. |
'Αρχ. Δελτ. |
Άρχαιολογικον Δελτιον. |
Arch. Anz. |
Archäologischer Anzeiger. |
Ath. Mitt. |
Athenische Mittheilungen. |
Boll. d'Art. |
Bolletino d'Arte. |
B. S. A. |
Annual of the British School at Athens. |
B. S. A. доп. |
Supplementary Papers, I, 1923. Dawkins R. M. and others, Unpublished objects from Palaikastro, I. |
В. С. Н. |
Bulletin de Corespondance Héllenique. |
С. Α. Η. |
Cambridge Ancient History. |
С. G. Β. Α. |
Hall H. R., The Civilization of Greece in the Bronze Age. |
С I. G. |
Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. |
С. of Α. |
The City of Akhenaten. V. I-II. Egypt Exploration Society. |
С О. I. |
Communications of the Oriental Institute of Chicago. |
Έφ. Άρχ. |
Έφημερις 'Αρχαιολογική. |
Fesfos |
Pernier L. II Palazzo Minoico di Festos. |
Fimmen |
Fimmen D. Die Kretisch-Mykenische Kultur. |
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Head B. V. Historia Nummorum, 1911. |
J. E. A. |
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. |
J. H. S. |
Journal of Hellenic Studies. |
Liv. Ann. |
Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology in the University of Liverpool. |
Mallia |
Fouilles de Mallia. |
Mallia Ecrit. |
Ecritures Minoennes. |
Mon. Ac. Line. |
Monumenti dell' Academia Lincei. |
Mon. Ant. |
Monumenti Antichi. |
Mus. It. Ant. Class. |
Museo Italiano di Antichita Classica. |
Pachyammos |
Seager R. B. The Cemetery of Pachyammos. University of Pennsylvania, the Museum. Anthropological Publications, VII, L |
P. of M. |
Evans A. The Palace of Minos, Vol. I-IV. |
Pashley |
Pashley R. Travels in Crete, 1837. |
Πρακτικά |
Πρακτικα της Άρχαιολογικης Εταιρειας. |
P. T. K. |
Evans A. J. The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos. Archaeologia, vol. LIX. |
Pseira |
Seager R. B. Excavations on the Island of Pseira. University of Pennsylvania, the Museum. Anthropological Publications, III, I. |
Rend. Line. |
Rendiconti dell 'Academia Lincei. |
Rev. Arch. |
Revue Archeologique. [399] |
Rev. Et. Anc. |
Revue des Études Anciennes. |
Sphoungaras |
Hall Ε. Η. Excavations in Eastern Crete, Sphoungaras. University of Pennsylvania, the Museum. Anthropological Publications, III, 2. |
Spraft |
Spratt Τ. Α. Β. Travels and Researches in Crete. |
Studies |
Frankfort H. Studies in Early Pottery of the Near East. Royal Anthropological institute, Occasional Papers, 6, §. |
Svoronos |
Svoronos J. N. Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne, 1890. |
T. D. A. |
Evans A. J. The Tomb of the Double Axes and Associated Group, etc. (Archaeologia, LXV). |
Trans. Penn. Univ. |
Transactions of the Department of Archaeology, Free Museum of Science and Art, University of Pennsylvania. |
Τυλ. Mtv. |
Τυλισσος Μινωική. (Έφ. Άρχ. 1912). |
T. V. M. |
Hazzidakis J. Tylissos, Villas Minoennes. |
V. T. M. |
Xanthoudides S. The Vaulted Tombs of Mesará. |
Vrokastro |
Hall Ε. Η. Excavations in Eastern Crete, Vrokastro. University of Pennsylvania, the Museum. Anthropological Publications, III, 3. [400] |
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